In this day and age, when we observe the impacts of climate change and social problems more frequently, responsiveness to environmental and social issues has become an urgent necessity.

At the 1915Çanakkale Bridge and Motorway Project, after the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study complying with the national legislation, an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study is conducted in compliance with the IFC (International Finance Corporation) Standards and the Equator Principles. In consideration of the strict criteria of the aforementioned standards, environmental and social risks and impacts related to our Project have been ascertained in an extensive fashion.

Having achieved further clarification of our environmental and socials risks and impacts, an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) was developed to ensure effective management of the process. Created with the “mitigation hierarchy of risks and impacts” approach aiming to prevent the risks and impacts if technically and financially applicable, and to offer compensation or remedies in cases where this is not possible, this document has formed the basis of our Project’s Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS).

Project Environmental and Social Policy, ESIA Report, ESIA Non-Technical Summary and the ESMP documents are shared with you on this page.

Public Consultation Process

Within the scope of 1915Çanakkale Bridge and Motorway Project, a Public Consultation Process was held in January 2018, in conformance with the IFC Performance Standards. During this process, Project documents, including the ESIA draft report, have been shared with our stakeholders through extensive field activities, and kept open for public comment for 30 days. The process was aimed at communicating with individuals and organizations who think they have been impacted by the Project on any level at all. In this context, 68 non-governmental organizations were invited and over 1000 people participated in the activities. All the feedback and comments have been taken into consideration during the final phase of the ESIA studies which also included the Stakeholder Engagement Plan.

For detailed information, please review our ESIA – Public Consultation Process report.