• It is forbidden for the pedestrians, animals, non-motorized vehicles (including bicycles), rubber-wheeled tractors and construction machinery to enter the Motorway.
  • In order to ensure the motorway traffic safety, it is forbidden to open, cut, demolish or otherwise destroy the wire fences, walls and similar security barriers placed along the expropriation border on both sides of the road for any reason.
  • It is forbidden to enter and exit the motorway from any place other than the junction areas.
  • The mandatory minimum speed on the motorway is 40 km/h, and the maximum speed is 120 km/h except for the limits specified on the traffic signs, Variable Message Signs and Variable Traffic Signs on the motorway. Furthermore, the drivers using the motorway should adjust the speed of their vehicles according to the load and technical characteristics of the vehicle as well as the conditions required by the visibility, road, weather and traffic status.
  • It is forbidden to stop, to park, to drive in the opposite direction of the traffic, and to drive backwards on the motorway. Only in obligatory cases, a vehicle can be stopped on the safety lane (shoulder) on the far-right side of the road for a short time by taking the necessary precautions (the vehicle's four-way flasher should be turned on, the triangle reflector should be placed at a suitable point according to the location of the vehicle) so as not to endanger the traffic safety.
  • To request assistance in case you need help concerning the Motorway or in case of an accident, injury, fire or similar EMERGENCY situations while traveling on the motorway route, you may call the Motorway Emergency Helpline number 161, which is available 24/7.
  • It is forbidden for the vehicles carrying Hazardous and Chemical Substances to arrive at the 1915 Çanakkale Bridge, before stopping by the "Chemical Substance Control Points" located on the European side between the Gelibolu South Junction (K-13) and the 1915 Çanakkale Bridge Tympan Tollbooth, and on the Asian side between the Lapseki Junction (K-14) and the 1915 Çanakkale Bridge entrance. The bridge crossing decision for the vehicles carrying Hazardous and Chemical Substances dropping by the control points shall be given by the authorized personnel at the Control Points following an inspection. For the vehicles that are required to cross the bridge by convoy, a convoy crossing shall be arranged once a day in the direction of Asia-Europe at 00:15 hours and in the direction of Europe-Asia at 00:45 hours.(As of the date of August 1, 2024, Asia-Europe direction at 12.45 AM, Europe-Asia direction at 12.15 AM) Special Toll Fees to be collected from the vehicles that shall make convoy pass will be collected from the HGS (Fast Pass System) accounts of the vehicles (No collection shall be made in Cash or by Credit Card.). The convoy pass time can be changed by the authorized personnel at the checkpoint, depending on the motorway traffic and the weather conditions, when necessary.
  • The persons who do not use the motorway in accordance with the rules and the owners of the animals that enter the motorway shall be subject to administrative fines as per the provisions of the Law No. 6001 on the Organization and Duties of the Directorate General of Highways, and those who pollute the environment on the motorway shall be subject to administrative fines pursuant to the provisions of the Environmental Law No. 2872.
  • In case the wind speed on the 1915 Çanakkale Bridge reaches certain values, it shall be obligatory to comply with the speed and traffic restrictions stated below, in line with the messages conveyed to the drivers with the Variable Message Signs at the entrance of the Bridge from both sides. Furthermore, concerning the vehicles that are not included in the description given in the table below, but that have dimensions, loads or technical features that can be affected by the wind, the vehicle drivers should evaluate the suitability of their vehicles for the Bridge crossing, taking into consideration the wind situation. It should not be forgotten that the drivers of the vehicles that cross the bridge, without considering the situations that may be dangerous due to the wind on the bridge, shall be responsible for the consequences in case of any negativity, in a manner which cannot be attributed to others.
Wind Speed (km/h) Restrictions for the Use of the 1915 Çanakkale Bridge
54 Traffic speed for all the vehicles on the Bridge is limited to 65 km/h.
72 Use of the Bridge by double-decker buses is prohibited.
79 Use of the Bridge by vehicles with high frontage, boxes (cubes) and highly bulky loads is prohibited.
104 Vehicles other than cars are prohibited from using the Bridge.
126 The Bridge is closed to traffic for all vehicles.
  • For driving safety, maximum attention should be paid to comply with the warnings and directions of the strobe vehicles (traffic vehicles, maintenance vehicles, snow-fighting trucks and similar equipment) and authorized personnel regarding the Motorway on the Motorway.
  • If the institutions located on the highway facade want to put identification plates on their service buildings, they must obtain permission from the General Directorate of Highways and the Appointed Company.

Substances Prohibited Through The 1915Çanakkale Bridge

  • All substances falling within the scope of ADR Class 1,
  • Substances falling within the scope of ADR Class 2 (excluding flammable and non-toxic gases specified within the scope of Subgroup 2.2),
  • Substances in ADR Class 3 with a flash point below 23°C,
  • Gaseous oxidizing agents falling within the scope of ADR Class 5.1,
  • LPG and/or LNG (For the avoidance of doubt, Vehicles carrying LPG and/or LNG will not cross the Bridge regardless of whether it is empty or not; however,  they shall be allowed to cross the Bridge after making the relevant checks, provided that they are purged (i.e. washed) with nitrogen),
  • Fuel, gasoline, benzine (UN 1203),
  • Anhydrous Ammonia (UN 1005),
  • Oxygen (UN 1072).

Documents Required For The 1915çanakkale Bridge Transition Of Dangerous And Non-Dangerous Substances

  • Transport Waybill and Delivery Note containing the information of the transported goods
  • T1, T2, TIR Carnet and CMR certificate for products with customs clearance,
  • Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS),
  • Transport Document issued in accordance with ADR 5.4.1,
  • ADR 5.4.3 Written Instructions Document,
  • Driver's License and Related SRC Documents,
  • Permission certificate obtained from the  Turkish Atomic Energy Authority for vehicles carrying radioactive material within the scope of ADR Class 7,
  • Washing Document for empty tankers, obtained from institutions authorized by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change.

In addition, for vehicles that shall cross with the DANGEROUS GOODS convoy;

  • The Measures Certificate issued by the Turkish Chemical Manufacturers Association (Provided at the Control Points. Motorway users who does not have the certificate can obtain it at the Control Points.)
  • SRC5 Certificate.

Dangerous Goods Control

  • It is forbidden for the vehicles carrying Dangerous and Chemical Substances to arrive at the 1915Çanakkale Bridge, before stopping by the "Chemical Substance Control Points" located on the European side between the Gelibolu South Junction (K-13) and the 1915Çanakkale Bridge Tympan Tollbooth, and on the Asian side between the Lapseki Junction (K-14) and the 1915Çanakkale Bridge entrance. The bridge crossing decision for the vehicles carrying Dangerous and Chemical Substances dropping by the control points shall be given by the authorized personnel at the Control Points following an inspection.
  • Empty or loaded, all vehicles carrying Dangerous and Chemical Substances must stop by the Dangerous Goods Control Points located in both directions before coming to the Bridge and should enter the document control.
  • The responsible personnel at the Control Points shall check the necessary documents for crossing of the Dangerous Goods Vehicles over the 1915Çanakkale Bridge. In addition, visual inspections of the vehicles shall be carried out. In case of any doubt regarding the content of the Hazardous Goods during the controls, the vehicles in question will not be allowed to pass through the Bridge.
  • The classification of the loads that will use the bridge shall be made according to the European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road - 2021 Version (ADR-2021 Version) and the Regulation on the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road.
  • Vehicles that need to cross the Bridge with the Convoy after the inspection will wait in the parking lot until the designated convoy time.

Convoy Process

  • Once a day, convoy crossing is allowed on the 1915Çanakkale Bridge with the escort of Fire Brigade, Tow Truck and Motorway Patrol vehicle. Convoy times are as follows. For vehicles that are required to cross the bridge with a convoy, once every day;
    • Asia-Europe Direction Dangerous Goods Control Point Convoy Time: 00:15
    • Europe-Asia Direction Dangerous Goods Control Point Convoy Time: 00:45
    • As of the date of August 1, 2024, Asia-Europe Direction Dangerous Goods Control Point Convoy Time: 00.45
    • As of the date of August 1, 2024, Europe-Asia Direction Dangerous Goods Control Point Convoy Time: 00.15
  • It is required to be present at the Chemical Control Points at least 30 minutes before the convoy transit time, to check the necessary documents.
  • The convoy times can be changed by authorized personnel at the control point, when necessary, depending on the motorway traffic and weather conditions.
  • During the convoy, the speed of the convoy will be 50 km/h. The Motorway Patrol Vehicle shall lead the convoy. The safe following distance shall be maintained during the convoy, and this distance must be at least 50 meters. Penalties shall be applied to vehicles that break the convoy order.


Special Toll Fees to be collected from the vehicles that shall make convoy pass will be collected from the HGS (Fast Pass System) accounts of the vehicles (No collection shall be made in Cash or by Credit Card.).

Payments will be made only through Automatic Toll Collection Systems (HGS). If the Vehicles Carrying Dangerous Goods do not have an HGS account or do not have sufficient balance for payment, these vehicles shall be able to make the Dangerous Goods Toll Fee payments online within the 15-day legal payment period from the Toll Violation Inquiry and Online Payment address on the 1915Çanakkale Bridge website.

  Çıkış Gişeleri
  İstasyon Sınıf Malkara Kavakköy Gelibolu Kuzey Gelibolu Güney 1915 Çanakkale Köprüsü
Malkara 1 1955,00 110,00 165,00 205,00 1955,00
2 2510,00 180,00 265,00 330,00 2510,00
3 4325,00 215,00 315,00 390,00 4325,00
4 4900,00 285,00 415,00 520,00 4900,00
5 8975,00 355,00 525,00 655,00 8975,00
Kavakköy 1 110,00 1855,00 65,00 105,00 1855,00
2 180,00 2350,00 105,00 170,00 2350,00
3 215,00 4135,00 125,00 205,00 4135,00
4 285,00 4645,00 165,00 270,00 4645,00
5 355,00 8660,00 205,00 340,00 8660,00
1 165,00 65,00 1805,00 55,00 1805,00
2 265,00 105,00 2270,00 90,00 2270,00
3 315,00 125,00 4040,00 110,00 4040,00
4 415,00 165,00 4520,00 145,00 4520,00
5 525,00 205,00 8500,00 180,00 8500,00
1 205,00 105,00 55,00 1755,00 1755,00
2 330,00 170,00 90,00 2190,00 2190,00
3 390,00 205,00 110,00 3945,00 3945,00
4 520,00 270,00 145,00 4395,00 4395,00
5 655,00 340,00 180,00 8340,00 8340,00
1915 Çanakkale
1 1955,00 1855,00 1805,00 1755,00 1955,00
2 2510,00 2350,00 2270,00 2190,00 2510,00
3 4325,00 4135,00 4040,00 3945,00 4325,00
4 4900,00 4645,00 4520,00 4395,00 4900,00
5 8975,00 8660,00 8500,00 8340,00 8975,00

Points To Consider

  • Vehicles deemed appropriate to cross with the convoy shall park accordingly in the parking area indicated by the Control Point personnel.
  • Vehicles carrying substances whose bridge crossing is prohibited should turn in the opposite direction of the motorway from the U-turn without waiting for a long time in the parking area.
  • Appropriate Hazardous Warning and Orange Plate signs must be used in accordance with ADR 8.1.3.
  • According to ADR 8.1.4, Fire Fighting Equipment should be kept available.
  • Various equipment and personal protective equipment should be kept available, in accordance with ADR 8.1.5.
  • Vehicles carrying radioactive material within the scope of ADR Class 7 must be complete in terms of marking, protection and equipment, and their Drivers must be trained (certified). It will be checked at the Hazardous Substance Control Points, whether these requirements are complied with.
  • It is required to be present at the Chemical Control Points at least 30 minutes before the convoy transit time, for checking of the necessary documents.
  • Illegal fleeing attempts made without visiting the Chemical Control Point shall be penalized with 10 (ten) times the toll fee in addition to the Dangerous Goods Passing Fee.